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Coca-Cola Fountain Backs

During my time in New York,  I had the opportunity to work for Dedica Group, an agency located in Brooklyn that has a longstanding relationship with Coca-Cola's marketing teams_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_responsible for creative activation of local marketing resources. The team was responsible for the creative conversion of CitiField (baseball stadium) from Pepsi to Coca-Cola, including the naming process, the creative development for the new "Coca-Cola Corner" and the activation of the brand in all cafeterias in the interior from the stadium. The agency worked closely with several Coca-Cola partners to bring the Coca-Cola Corner to life for New York Mets fans.


In this project I was responsible for the development of the applied art in the soda fountains that face the counters of the snack bars scattered around the stadium. In addition, I had the pleasure of adapting the artwork for outdoors, developing the upper panels for one of the snack bars and, finally, creating a billboard with the iconic Coca-Cola bottle, visible on the high-speed highway. traffic.


The project received the MARCOM 2016 Platinum award and the media repercussion was so positive that the approach  aroused the interest of basketball, football, hockey and concert arena teams.


In 2017 the campaign won a gold trophy for Davey Awards in the categories: Design/Print - Print Campaign - Promotion/Branding.

During my time living in New York I had the opportunity to work for Dedica Group, an agency located in Brooklyn which keeps a long-standing relationship with_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_Coca-Cola marketing teams and the creative activation of local marketing assets. The team was responsible for the creative conversion of CitiField from Pepsi to Coca-Cola including naming and creative development for the new Coca-Cola Corner and brand activation for food service points around the stadium. The agency worked closely with several Coca-Cola partners to bring the Coca-Cola Corner to life for New York Mets fans.


In this project I designed the fountain backs artworks that faced the customers in front of the snack bars' counters spread out the stadium. Besides that, I was pleased to adapt the same Photoshop work for billboards, to develop the superior panels for one of the snack bars and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5 8d_lastly I could design a billboard using the iconic Coca-Cola bottle which could be visible from the high road. 


The project was 2016 MARCOM Platinum Winner and the media outreach was so positive that it sparked the interest to repeat the same approach for concert arenas and basketball, soccer and hockey teams.


In 2017 the campaign won a Gold Davey Award on the categories: Design/Print - Print Campaign - Promotional/Branding


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São Paulo (GMT -3)




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